[i18n] Categories for non-English articles?

Drs M. Feenstra, MALD, MBA marcel at wintasy.com
Wed Dec 17 07:06:08 CST 2008

Yesterday, when I submitted the Dutch translation of an article that had
already been published on evolt.org, I selected the *same* two categories
for the translation that had been used for the original: "Commentary &
Society" and "Jobs".

However, there may be better ways to "label" non-English articles:

1) Use a new category, e.g. "Nederlands" (or "Dutch") *instead* of the
existing categories
2) Use that new category *in addition to* the existing categories
3) Use new ("translated") cats ("Commentaar & Maatschappij" and "Banen")
instead of the existing ones

Any thoughts?


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