[i18n] Categories for non-English articles?

Erika ekm at seastorm.com
Wed Dec 17 11:01:40 CST 2008

Luther, Ron wrote:
> Drs M. Feenstra, MALD, MBA noted:
>>> Yesterday, when I submitted the Dutch translation of an article
>>> that had already been published on evolt.org,
> Hi Marcel,
> Excellent!  Thank you for the effort.
>>> However, there may be better ways to "label" non-English articles:
> Absolutely.  I think that's a very good place for us to start!
> I think I might prefer a modification of your 'option 2' [>>2) Use that new category *in addition to* the existing categories].  {Unfortunately, I do not have this 100% worked out ... So I will need some help here because I'm wondering if we may need a slight tweak to our backend architecture in order to accomplish what I'm after.}

I think that on one hand, when we publish in a new language on evolt, 
we're putting the cart before the horse.  On the other hand, I think 
that a venture into localisation will help us step back and think about 
how to make our site fit an international model better.

We are facing these challenges:
1. what to do with the current Dutch article
2. how to move forward in the bigger picture of how to 

in the context of

3. we *still* need to do a significant software upgrade
4. we are *still* working on front end
5. we are *still* working on overall site structure questions

Therefore, my proposal is that we find something that works *good enough 
for now* with the current article, and then shift focus to the bigger 
picture stuff, and getting our site running on Drupal 6.6. so that we 
can start to make full use fo Drupal's current functionality.

So I think the question is, how do we handle this article, right *now* 
(and then, what next).

Does that make sense?

I think we should just leave the categorization as is *for now*


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