[Javascript] Link problems... Help desperate needed!

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Sat Aug 10 21:54:02 CDT 2002


    What do you have so far?  It seems like you'd need something like this:

<element onMouseOver="getWin('whateverlink.html')">

	Element can be a div, link, or whatever.  Then you just need a script with
your function, a la

<script language="javascript">
function getWin(myLink) {
    // alter window attributes as needed (watch for wrapping)


	Let me know if I've misunderstood the source of your problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
Behalf Of Eva Skye

Okay... I need a script which on a mouse-over a bit of text or an image
will open a given link in a new window.

I got it to work to where on mouse-over it would open the page within
the frame... but, as I'm using absolutely positioned scrollable areas
throughout my website, that doesn't work, due to the lack of scroll-
bars, not to mention that the links don't view right when set within my
frames... and, for some reason, traditional links don't seem to work
properly within the scrollable areas... When done like that, only
half of the links on my links page actually function....

I'm driving myself crazy trying to get this to work right..... ~_~
Any help would be *greatly* appreciated!

       -- Eva Skye

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