[Javascript] Press enter submits form

Harry Love hlove at u.washington.edu
Tue Aug 27 14:14:02 CDT 2002

Yeah but that's why I want to use Javascript to prevent that- I'm pretty
sure it's possible. Something like on key press submit() or something.
maybe it's not possible?

Ah, preventing!  Well, if the purpose is to prevent people from
prematurely submitting the form, you could also use the onsubmit event
handler to validate the forms.  Roughly, onsubmit, if a form field is
incomplete, alert the user to complete the form, put focus on the empty
text field, etc.  Or, confirm a submission using onsubmit="confirm('Do
you want to submit the form?')".

And you're right, you can use onkeydown, onkeypress, and onkeyup to pass
the event object to a function from a text input or textarea.  The
[enter] key is captured by the event object (Decimal Character Code 13).
I've never tried it myself, but a Google search appears to produce
favorable results.  A search for "javascript enter key" produced this
(sorry if the URL wraps):
The second link looks like a winner.


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