[Javascript] order form question

Dave schemer at cyou.com
Tue Feb 12 07:50:40 CST 2002

I looked at your files for some answers and your form does pretty much do what I want it to. But, in order
to keep my form like it is, I am going to have to try to incorporate it into my form. Imagine  Imagine a
150 row table with columns for "quantity" , "item #", "description", and "price". Currently the customer
selects the quantity of however many of whatever product and works their way down the list where they find
a shipping schedule. They add their items cost and shipping (on their own) and proceed to the checkout.
They select a payment option and go from there. Well sometimes they choose the wrong shipping, forget the
tax etc...and I usually eat the difference...I would like to leave it like it is, with the exception of all
the amounts and prices being added up so when they get to the bottom, clicking "ADD TO CART" will show the
final total. Then I would like this total carried over to the next html page which is the payment screen. I
would also make them select if they were in Florida or not for proper taxing...Anyone ever convert one like
I this?

p.s. Esther, I couldn't pull the source up using NN 4.79

Esther_Strom at hmco.com wrote:

> I have a set of files that does autocalculation, including tax. There's an
> HTML file and a .js file. The files are somewhat long, so I'm not going to
> paste them here. They're at
> http://www.emstrom.com/~emstrom/tests/neworder2.htm (the .js file is called
> order2.js - paste this URL to see the source:
> view-source:http://www.emstrom.com/~emstrom/tests/order2.js)
> Esther

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