[Javascript] An answer to your date question...

gierbolini-glenn mglenn at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Jan 21 23:30:31 CST 2002


I had the same question as you, but could not find an existing Javascript that would mask a date field while being typed, so I had to write my own.

If you can use this, please do. 



//Globally defined -- you could move these around //
//to each function to make the code more modular  //

var dtFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY";
var sepChar = '/';
var fullDateMask = /^[01][0-9]\/[0-3][0-9]\/[2][0-9][0-9][0-9]/;
var lastKeyStrokeVal;
var currMask;
var monthVal;
var dayVal;
var yearVal;
var autoFillVal = '=';
var day1Val;
var day2Val;

// returnCurrentDate() : return the current system date //
// in MM/DD/YYYY format                                 //
function returnCurrentDate()
   d = new Date();
   m = parseInt(d.getMonth())+1;
   if (m < 10)
      m = '0' + m;
   return(m + sepChar + d.getDate() + sepChar + d.getYear());

// scrutinizeKeyVal() : apply mask to the keystroke value //
// when each keystroke is typed                           //
function scrutinizeKeyVal(obj)
   // If using IE, the "String.fromCharCode(window.event.keyCode)"   //
   // will return the key value pressed. For Netscape, the "which"   //
   // keyword will return the keyvalue. NOT TESTED WITH NETSCAPE YET //

   var length = parseInt(obj.value.length);

   lastKeyStrokeVal = String.fromCharCode(window.event.keyCode); // IE Only
   if (lastKeyStrokeVal == autoFillVal)
      obj.value = returnCurrentDate();
      return -1;
   // The date format is mm/dd/yyyy and leading zeros are // 
   // required in the Months and Days fields              //

   // FIRST CHARACTER TYPED - month field     //
   // The first char typed should be a 0 or 1 //
   if (length == 0)    
     currMask = /^[0-1]/;
     if (!compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask))
        return -1;
   // SECOND CHARACTER TYPED - month field              //
   // if first char is 1, second char may only be 0,1,2 //
   if (length == 1)  
     if (obj.value.charAt(length -1) == 1)
        currMask = /^[0-2]/; //months 10,11,12
        currMask = /^[1-9]/; //months 01-09
     if (!compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask))  
        return -1;
     // capture the month value and  //
     // Autofill the first delimiter //
     monthVal = obj.value + lastKeyStrokeVal;   
     return 1;                                  
   // This character should be the delimiter //
   // char for the date format "MM/DD/YYYY"  //
   if ((length == 2) || (length == 5))  
      currMask = /^\//;
      if (!compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask))
         return -1;
   // THE FOURTH CHARACTER TYPED - day field            //
   // The fourth char typed should be a number...0,1,2,3//
   // We can't check for leap year yet because we don't //
   // have the year value yet. This will need to be     //
   // done after the date field is populated...         //
   if (length == 3)    
     currMask = /^[0-3]/;
     if (!compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask))
        return -1;
     day1Val = lastKeyStrokeVal;
   // THE FIFTH CHARACTER TYPED - day field                //
   // The fifth char typed should be a number              //
   // if first char is 0, second char may only be 1-9      //
   // if first char is 1 or 2, second char may only be 0-9 //
   // if first char is 3, second char may only be 0-1      //
   if (length == 4)    
     if (day1Val == 0)
        currMask = /^[1-9]/;
     else if ((day1Val == 1) || (day1Val == 2))
        currMask = /^[0-9]/;
     else if (day1Val == 3)
        currMask = /^[0-1]/;
        return -1;
     if (!compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask))
        return -1;
     day2Val = lastKeyStrokeVal;
     return 1;
   // THE SEVENTH CHARACTER TYPED - year field                 //
   // Safe to assume this character is going to be a 1 or 2... //
   if (length == 6)    
      currMask = /^[1-2]/;
      if (!compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask))
         return -1;
   if ((length == 7) || (length == 8) || (length == 9))   
      currMask = /^[0-9]/;
      if (!compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask))
         return -1;
   // Finally, do a mask check for the date val so far... //
   if (compareValue(lastKeyStrokeVal, currMask)) 
      return 0;
      return -1;
} //end scrutinizeKeyVal()

// processKeyPress(): Check the value of each keystroke //
// as they are typed                                    //
function processKeyPress(obj) 
   var retVal = scrutinizeKeyVal(obj);
   if (retVal == -1) // scrutinizeKeyVal returned false: Key value does not match mask //
      return false;
   else if (retVal == 0) // scrutinizeKeyVal returned true: Key value does match mask //
      return true;
   else if (retVal == 1) // scrutinizeKeyVal encountered delimiter character //
      // This will cancel the current keypress event and  //
      // force the separator char to be appended in field //
      obj.value = obj.value + lastKeyStrokeVal + sepChar;
      return false;
} //end processKeyPress()

// isValidDate(): Determines if a date value is valid //
// Uses the date format "MM/DD/YYYY"                  //
function isValidDate(obj)       
   var s = new String;
   s = obj.value;
   monthVal = s.charAt(0) + s.charAt(1);
   dayVal = s.charAt(3) + s.charAt(4);
   yearVal = s.charAt(6) + s.charAt(7) + s.charAt(8) + s.charAt(9);

   if (parseInt(dayVal) > parseInt(daysInMonth(monthVal)))
      alert("bad date");
      return false;
   return true;
}  //end isValidDate()

// daysInMonth(): Determines the number of //
// allowable days in a month.              //                              
function daysInMonth(charMonth)
   if ((charMonth == "01") || (charMonth == "03") || (charMonth == "05") 
       || (charMonth == "07") || (charMonth == "08") || (charMonth == "10") 
       || (charMonth == "12"))
      return 31;

   if (charMonth == "02")
      if (isLeapYear(yearVal))
         return 29;
      return 28;

   if ((charMonth == "04") || (charMonth == "06") || (charMonth == "09") 
       || (charMonth == "11"))
      return 30;

// isLeapYear(): Determines if year is leap //
function isLeapYear(intYear) 
   if ((intYear % 100 == 0) && (intYear % 400 == 0))
      return true; 
      if ((intYear % 4) == 0) 
         return true; 
      return false;

// clearFields(): Clears/resets all fields on the //
// form to whatever you want                      //
function clearFields()
   DateField.value = "";

// compareValue(): Compares a value to its mask //
// (both args are passed in)                    //
function compareValue(cmpVal, mask)
     return false;
     return true;

// validateForm() : Validates the form when the Submit //
// button is pressed.                                  //
function validateForm(obj)
   if ((compareValue(DateField.value, fullDateMask)) && isValidDate(obj))
      alert("Good date");
      alert("Bad date");

// -->

<BODY BGCOLOR="white" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#993366" VLINK="#660066" ALINK="#FF99FF" onLoad="clearFields();">
<H1>Date Mask Example</H1><BR>
It's somewhat rigid, but the following date field only will accept the mask "MM/DD/YYYY"<BR>
Also, use the '=' char to automatically fill in the current date<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=11 MAXLENGTH=10 NAME="DateField" onKeyPress="return processKeyPress(this);" onFocus="self.status='Date Format is ' + dtFormat;" onBlur="self.status=' ';" onChange="return isValidDate(this);">
<INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="btn_submit" VALUE="Test" onClick="validateForm(DateField);">

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