[Javascript] Is there a way to capture the key stroke and...

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Mon Jul 15 23:23:58 CDT 2002

	Like this?  It only works in IE, but it should do what you need.

function fnTrapKD(){ // check box and try to type in oExample field
      oOutput.innerText+="[trap = " + event.keyCode + "]";
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" ID="oTrap">
<INPUT ID="oExample" TYPE="text" onkeypress="fnTrapKD()">
<TEXTAREA ID="oOutput" ROWS="10" COLS="50">

|-----Original Message-----
|From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
|Behalf Of Scott.Wiseman
|not have it output to the field...
|just get rid of the keystroke
|I guess trap it..
|function checkit()
|  var keycode;
|if (window.event) keycode = window.event.keyCode;
|else if (e) keycode = e.which;
|else return true;
|if (keycode == 13)
|   {
|    add_data();
|   return false;
|   }
|if  (keycode ==43)
|   {
|        window.document.myform.gcc.value=''; alert('zerod out ggc value');
|        document.myform.AssociateName.selectedIndex =
|document.myform.AssociateName.selectedIndex + 1  ;
|         if(document.myform.AssociateName.selectedIndex<0)
|     {
|         alert("No more associates..Starting at the first one");
|         document.myform.AssociateName.selectedIndex =1;
|     }    
|        return false;
|   }
|   return true;

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