[Javascript] Silent window.close... or a better idea

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Wed Jul 24 17:10:39 CDT 2002

	I have an intranet application (IE 5.5 only) that needs to be in a
fixed-size window with no menu, status, etc.  I can use a simple
window.open, but unfortunately the user doesn't want an extra window around.
I thought that if a page is the first one in the history, you could
window.close() without a confirmation, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
	Can someone suggest a way to either silently close the calling window
(which will be a new browser instance just for this app anyway) OR alter the
existing window in the same way?  Since this is restricted to high-level MS
browsers, there has to be a usable option.



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