[Javascript] Silent window.close... or a better idea

Dan Costea costea.dan at ssi-schaefer.ro
Thu Jul 25 01:24:24 CDT 2002

I had exactly the same problem few months ago :o)
Because of the security reasons, you cannot close a window without
confirmation, if you didn't open that window with your js. But if you really
have no choice, you must lie the IE, by telling it that you opened that
window you want to close! Here is the code:

function cheatCloseWin ()
 win = top;

 // lying:
 win.opener = top;

 win.close ();


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Brunone" <peter at brunone.com>
To: <javascript at LaTech.edu>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 1:10 AM
Subject: [Javascript] Silent window.close... or a better idea

> I have an intranet application (IE 5.5 only) that needs to be in a
> fixed-size window with no menu, status, etc.  I can use a simple
> window.open, but unfortunately the user doesn't want an extra window
> I thought that if a page is the first one in the history, you could
> window.close() without a confirmation, but that doesn't seem to be the
> Can someone suggest a way to either silently close the calling window
> (which will be a new browser instance just for this app anyway) OR alter
> existing window in the same way?  Since this is restricted to high-level
> browsers, there has to be a usable option.
> Cheers,
> Peter
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