[Javascript] Re: Windows

Amanda Birmingham lists at imladris.com
Tue May 14 13:50:37 CDT 2002

Generally browsers either will not allow a page to close the window that 
opened it, or will require the user to confirm that close (something along 
the lines of "This page is trying to close the current window.  Allow this 
action?  Yes/No").  This impediment is there for obvious 
reasons--otherwise, malicious web pages could wreak some small 
havoc.  Additionally, for similar reasons, browsers generally do not allow 
a page to alter the chrome (presence of scroll bars, title bars, etc) on 
the window that opened it, instead allowing that only on windows the page 
opens itself.  IE has a full-screen mode with no chrome, but I'm not sure 
whether basic non-Flash pages can programmatically demand the window switch 
into it ....

Once again, the difference between design limitations that are appropriate 
for the web generally and those that are appropriate for web applications 
rears its ugly head!  Good luck ;)

Amanda Birmingham
Web Application Developer

At 02:32 PM 5/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>I have a index.htm file that I want to open without all the toolbars and 
>menubars etc.etc...
>I' can't seem to get it to work. I have a "load.htm" which has some JS 
>that loads my index.htm file into another window without all the toolbar 
>crud at the top. I can't seem to get the previous window (load.htm) file 
>to close.
>Whats the best way of going about this?
>Help Please!
>         <title></title>
><!-- Begin
>function popupPage() {
>var page = "index.htm";
>windowprops = "height=620,width=800,location=no,"
>+ "scrollbars=yes,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes";
>window.open(page, "Popup", windowprops);
>//  End -->
><BODY onLoad="setTimeout('popupPage()', 1000);">
><p>This is a test</p>
>Philip Humeniuk
>phumes1 at rogers.com
>phil.humeniuk at rogers.com
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