[Javascript] Inherit data

Glenn Morris gmorris at sct.com
Fri May 17 13:57:54 CDT 2002

Hello, I am new to Javascript (and this group). What I am trying to do
is as follows:
Page1.html - has 2 fields, LName and FName they are input type text.
What I am trying to do is when a person submits their name a new
document (Page2.html)
comes up with both the LName field and the FName field inherited from
Page1. The thing is I want both those fields to
be editable (input type="text") on the new form so a person could
change them. (There will be other fields on the new form but they will
inherit so there is no problem with them).

Some script I was working on below:

<Input type = "text" name="LName" ><br>
<Input type = "text" name="FName" ><br>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var newWindow
function NextPage()
newWindow = window.open
newWindow.opener = self
<INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="Enter" onClick="NextPage()">

<Input type = "text" name="LName" ><br>
<Input type = "text" name="FName" ><br>

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