[Javascript] ---OBJECT REQUIRED?---

Joshua Turcotte kaji at umit.maine.edu
Fri May 31 10:24:16 CDT 2002

I am absolutely infuriated with this... I did some work for a local hospital that was trying to implement a dhtml menu system into their templates... browser issues and all that.  Very fun... About two weeks ago, I finished the work, it was
beautiful... javascript heavy.

I deliver the goods... but their coder is out for 2 weeks.  Hence, 2 weeks later I hear back 'the menu in the templates doesn't seem to render.'  So I check it out... the, and I stress this, untouched code on my end... the very same code that I had
worked with 2 weeks before and had reached a conclusion with... now was giving new errors... in this case, two separate 'Object Required' errors on lines 8 and 45 (and according to the error itself referencing the template.html file, these
correspond to a "<script type='text/javascript' src='menu_com.js'></script>" (line 8) and a "<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onResize="tryagain()";
onLoad="MM_preloadImages('Images8/homeover2.jpg','Images8/newsover2.jpg','Images8/departmentsover.jpg','Images8/servicesover.jpg','Images8/contactover.jpg');rndSlideShow(5000,0)" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0033FF" alink="#0033FF">
" (line 45) ... 

except for the reference to onResize="tryagain()";, both errors are referencing lines that have remained unaltered since the good were originally delivered to ME... I don't like the MM scripts, but I didn't have the budget to write others, and I
don't even care to guess what rndSlideShow does... what I can say is that these never complained before.

AND... if I take out ALL references to javascript from line 45... so that its just a body tag and nothing else... it STILL says 'Object Required' line 45... 

Can I swear here?  I'm livid... I don't like coming back to a completed project to find that it has decayed seemingly on its own.. and yes, this is object REQUIRED... not expected.  I don't even think the particulars of the code should matter simply
because they worked flawlessly at the time of completion and nothing in my development environment has changed in the least in the 2 weeks since.

Does anyone have a scrap of war-story style experience with something like this who might be able to shed some kind of light on exactly what universal constant of existance changed that sent this code into nuclear decay.


J.e. Turcotte: eMAGERY Founder, Media|Creative Solutions Developer
jet at emagery.com, voicemail: (207) 866-4842, www.emagery.com

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