[Javascript] Getting New Data

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Fri Feb 21 13:37:12 CST 2003


   If you can restrict your browser base to Internet Explorer, you have the option of using a Web Service Behavior to load new information.
   If not, consider creating a hidden frame that can reload and send its contents to its visible counterpart.  To notify the script that new data has arrived, you could trip some event on the page that you've wired to the positioning function, and you've got it made.

Feel free to ask additional questions.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Tim Makins" <timothy at utvinternet.com>
Reply-To: javascript at LaTech.edu
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 19:29:25 -0000

>Hi - I am playing around with some ideas, but I don't know if they are
>possible. I am working on a script that can read a list of co-ordinates, and
>take action on them - in my case, positioning small graphics where the
>co-ordinates say they are to go on the webpage.
>However, what I would like to be able to do is to load a new file containing
>a new set of co-ordinates, but I don't know how to do this, or if its even
>possible. Perhaps if the co-ordinates were in a file called page2.js, they
>could be loaded and read, but how to define a button or link that loads a
>new page on command, and then makes the script aware that it has arrived ?
>Some general ideas would be most welcome...
>Tim in Ireland.

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