[Javascript] Positioning in IE

Troy III Ajnej trojani2000 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 28 13:07:17 CDT 2004

Oh flavio, I never knew that, according to you the loop, can be stated 
inside an a HTML or even inside CSS.
REVERT the   Correction: Never use document.all inside a <script> tag
it's silly. How on Earth are you going to build  a collection without 
calling it. Are we geting samarter...
And by the way I was addressing this one to a particular member of the forum 
And as I remember you have joined this forum very recenty, take it easy

>From: Flavio Gomes <flavio at economisa.com.br>
>Reply-To: "[JavaScript List]" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>To: "[JavaScript List]" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>Subject: Re: [Javascript] Positioning in IE
>Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 12:07:19 -0300
>  Correction: Never use document.all inside a <script> tag.
>Flavio Gomes
>flavio at economisa.com.br
>Troy III Ajnej wrote:
>>The call: document.all
>>is never to be used inside a loop, it will sllow the script from few to 
>>hundred and thousand times, depending on how complex the page is (the 
>>number of doc objects contained) every time you call  document.all it 
>>iterates all the objects. Than if you state get element by ID it scrolls 
>>again through all the elements containing id, than, it has to compare if 
>>one of them yelds true to give the permission to ecxecute, if after this 
>>you have given f.i. pixelLeft than it has to do some math to decide where 
>>to put the element, but if you instruct posLeft, there is no math it 
>>assumes zero at left and simply adds the new value. Try some of variants 
>>you know that will move the object from left to right pixel by pixel in 
>>some old computer and see for your self.
>>I use integer +px string with posLeft or Right/\ Top when increasingly 
>>possitioning the object.
>>If I recall correctly, when stating pixelLeft, the browser looks up 
>>previous state than adds positive or negative value to the existing one. 
>>And this means more processing. (but of course, with the P4 2.66 or 3.2 
>>GHz you will hardly notice the difference.)
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