[Javascript] Looking for CR/LF

Flavio Gomes flavio at economisa.com.br
Tue Nov 9 06:27:22 CST 2004


  alert(document.F1.textbox.value.split("\r\n").length); // (or \n\r .. I never remember)

 But it might be a bit slow also.

Flavio Gomes
flavio at economisa.com.br

Tim Makins wrote:

>Hi to all: I have a text box, and will paste in to it multi-line text such
>I will then grab the contents and put it into a string.
>What I want to do then is to separate each *line* in the string; to do that
>I need to loop through it until I find the carriage-return/linefeed.
>I *could* do it using
>textarea_string = escape(F1.textbox.value);
>String.prototype.replace = replace_string;
>var replaced_string = textarea_string.replace("%0D%0A", ";");
>and then look for ';' but I might have 3000 lines to deal with, which takes
>too long, and converts lots of other things I don't want converting.
>How else can I spot the position of each carriage-return/linefeed ???
>Tim in Ireland.

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