[Javascript] Accessing atributes - window.opener

Guilherme Cordeiro guilhermecordeiro at yahoo.com.br
Mon Sep 27 14:26:04 CDT 2004

Here I go again...

Now, I've put an input text field on the first page.
With a click in OK, on the opened window, I want to
put a value on this input text field. I tried several
things, like window.opener.document...,
self.opener.document, and so on. None of these worked.

Does anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks.

main.html (calls the pop-up window) :

  <script src="window.js"></script>

<BODY onfocus="javascript:checkForDialog();"
  <a href="javascript:topwind();">Click</a> to open
small window.</p>
  <form id="update">
    <input type="text" name="code">

button.html (elements of the pop-up window) :

  <script src="window.js"></script>

<BODY onfocus="javascript:checkForDialog();">
<FORM id="select">
  <table cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="2" width="300"
      <td colSpan="2">Select option:</td>
        <select name="select_l">
          <option value="Option A">Option A
          <option value="Option B">Option B
          <option value="Option C">Option C
          <option value="Option D">Option D
      <td colSpan="2">
        <P align="center">
          <input type="button" name="but_ok"
value="OK" onclick="javascript:closeWindow();">&nbsp;
          <input type="button" name="but_cancel"
value="Cancel" onclick="">

window.js (contains javascript functions) :

var newWindow;

function topwind()
  newWindow =

function checkForDialog()
  if (newWindow && newWindow != null &&

function closeWindow()
  self.opener.document.update.code.value = "50";
//error here
  //according to mozilla javascript console, this is
the error:
  //  Error: self.opener.document.update has no
  //  Source: file:///d:/guilherme/java/window.js
  //  Line: 18
  self.opener.newWindow = null;

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