[Javascript] (no subject)

Shawn Milo shawn.milo at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 10:43:05 CDT 2005

What is the situation you're in where you're required to do an app
with this functionality completely in client-side script?

For client-side, I greatly prefer JavaScript over VBScript, because I
think the code is much cleaner, and more structured. It's also, I
think, more powerful, because more features, such as regular
expressions, are build right into the language, and you don't have to
declare a regular expression object and use it on things to do simple
matching and replacing tasks. I'm just using regexes an a "for
instance" here -- it's like this with many things.

Also, JavaScript enforces case sensitivity and stricter syntax than
VBScript, so it's also nicer to look at. VBScript may be "easier" in
some ways, but it has little quirks which can cause twenty minutes of
frustration because of the way it handles some types or conversions or
whatever. JavaScript is a lot easier to understand once you know the
rules. Once you get an error message, it's generally easy to figure
out exactly what the problem is. VBScripts error messages are
sometimes vague.


> >hi john,
> >
> >im in two minds of whether to do my program in javascript or
> >vbscript, im alrady familiar with vb but wnat to undersatnd
> >javascript then compare the two.

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