[Javascript] XMLHttpRequest help (yeah, yeah, I know)

Flavio Gomes flavio at economisa.com.br
Tue Aug 2 15:20:00 CDT 2005

Would it be a big problem if you simply downloaded all the quotes to the 
user in an array and then choose one randomly through 
"myQuotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * myQuotes.length)]".

myQuotes = new Array();

myQuotes[myQuotes.length] = "Something";
myQuotes[myQuotes.length] = "Kinda";
myQuotes[myQuotes.length] = "Nice";
myQuotes[myQuotes.length] = "May";
myQuotes[myQuotes.length] = "Happen";

for (x=0; x< 25; x++)
{ myIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * myQuotes.length);
  document.write(myIndex + ': ' + myQuotes[myIndex] + '<br>');

Yeah, it's f**king newbie stuff.. T_T
But soooo pretty much crossbrowser and stuff

Hope to Help,

Flavio Gomes
flavio at economisa.com.br

Matt Warden wrote:

>Mike Stickel wrote:
>>Searching through the web-o-sphere I've seen many tutorials on 
>>XMLHttpRequest and looked through a good many of them. Trying to  apply
>>their logic and examples to this particular case have gotten me 
>>thoroughly confused though. Maybe what would help is if a kind soul 
>>could write out, in plain english, the flow of how the js should work 
>>then I can at least take a stab at writing the functions. You know  the
>>old adage, learn by doing and all that.
>There is an example of simple DOM manipulations based on the XML
>content received in the downloadable code. If you have questions, let
>me know.
>- --
>Matt Warden
>Miami University
>Oxford, OH, USA

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