[Javascript] onclick - unobtrusive javascript

J. Lester Novros II lester at denhaag.org
Sat Jul 23 04:48:16 CDT 2005

Tim Burgan wrote:
> When an element is clicked, I am unable to change it's text color to red.
> But for the same element, the code does work if I choose to open a new 
 > window on click.

The 'i' within the anonymous function assigned to each link's onclick handler is 
never resolved to a number since by the time you actually click on the link, the 
program has exited the for loop. Try using 'this.style.color' instead [see below].

   function doPopups()
      if ( !document.getElementsByTagName )
         return false;

      var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
      for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ )
         if ( links[i].className.match("change") )
            links[i].onclick =
               this.style.color = 'red';
               return false;

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