[Javascript] regexp

Nick Fitzsimons nick at nickfitz.co.uk
Tue Apr 25 12:51:34 CDT 2006

Steve Clay wrote:
> Tuesday, April 25, 2006, 12:00:29 PM, Nick Fitzsimons wrote:
>>Unfortunately word boundaries can occur within classNames, as they
>>include hyphens, meaning the above would incorrectly find a match on
> Oops, I just ran into that a few days ago parsing markup (attributes can
> have hyphens).
> What are the (or where can I find definitive lists of) allowable chars in
> the names of XML elements and attributes, and XHTML ids and classes?
> Steve

As far as HTML is concerned, there's a summary of the formal SGML 
definition in the HTML 4.01 spec at:


The DTD defines "id" as of type ID and "class" as of type CDATA.

As for XML, "id" is  in the XML 1.0 spec(3rd edition) at
and you can follow the links from there for Name and NameChar, which 
should allow you to see what's permitted.


Nick Fitzsimons

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