[Javascript] button?

tedd tedd at sperling.com
Thu Jun 15 12:44:39 CDT 2006

>tedd wrote:
>>Why does:
>>   <input type="button" value = "Upload" onclick="window.location='up.php' ">	
>>work, while:
>>   <button  onclick="window.location='up.php' ">Upload</button>
>>doesn't ?
>>What js could I use with <button> to do the same thing as above with <input type="button">?
>You don't say which browser you're having trouble with, but the <button> element has a "type" attribute; try adding type="button" and see if that helps. Also, you might want to add "return false;" to cancel any default action (shouldn't matter with type="button" though), and it's usually recommended to set "window.location.href" - well, recommended by purists like me :-)
><button type="button" onclick="window.location.href='up.php'; return false;">Upload</button>

Bingo !

It was the "type" attribute I was missing -- when I added that, everything worked !!!! : -)

I'll review the "window.location.href" thing.

As they say in php:

echo str_repeat("Thank You !", 100);


PS: Safari 2.0.3
http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com

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