[Javascript] in need of pointers...

jsWalter jsWalter at torres.ws
Tue Mar 28 00:47:21 CST 2006

My JS is so rusty...

I have a friend who is running a cancer society function and is in need of
a small app.

I figure the fastest way is via JS in a browser.

All via local access.

Need to read a list of 1000+ names

They want to "slide show" these names, 1 at a time on the screen. Fade in,
fade out (black screen, white letters).

Need to display a GIF/JPEG, if it exists, that goes with the names (I
figure label each image with the persons name)

And to add to the fun, if a WAV file exists (again, [persons name].wav)
play that file a few seconds into the persons name display.

Like I said at the to, my JS is so rusty I can't figure this simple issue

can anyone here with more modern techniques in JS lend a hand?

I can cycle the names, but only if they are in the file, I can't get JS to
read a local file. And since I can't read a local file, I can't read a
directory to get the list of files to see if oany GIFs are in there (or
WAV files)

I also can't get the fade to work.

I'm lost on playing audio.

Can anyone help?

Very worthy cause. This is for a cancer fund raiser, so this is all pro



PS: has to be loadedable from a CD to any PC. So no PHP or Perl or
anything like that.

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