[Javascript] in need of pointers...

Troy III Ajnej trojani2000 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 28 08:46:14 CST 2006

I think there is a solution in case you are targeting IExplorer windows 
platforms. You can do apply any kind of fades transitions wipes etc., 
(houndreds of them), using proper filters supported by IE.
You should use a File System Object (FSO) to seek for files and invoke if 
any. Or you can use a DSO, a Data Source Object.

Your Screen page HTML can be very small., containing a DIV an IMG and a 
BGSOUND, but your script can become very complicated if you decide to use 
FSO. DSO is more controlable and programatically standardized, but there is 
always a workaround.

There is an alternative as allways.
I'm pointing to the List of names problem.
If you don't like to learn scripting FSO and you are not to familiar with 
DSO. But since even a DSO will have to use a coma, separated, list as a 
source file, than it doesn't get much more complicated than would with the 
standard way.

The guy that maintains the list of names, should be doing it in MS Exel. All 
you have to ask from him is to save it in *.csv extension open it in MS Word 
find and replace all the newline characters with nothing and save it as 
*.txt open it in Notepad add a few letters. f.i.:
   var theNames="
at the beggining of the document
and close  the (") quotes at the end. So you can read this string with the 
Script tag even if you dont give it a .js extension.

Write a script that puts them names in an Array than all the rest is almost 
a routine.

[I just now have tested the sound tag with: <BGSOUND SRC="stupified.mp3"> 
and it played perfectly *encoded with FhG (ACM or producer pro), as I was 
convinced that BGSOUND accepts only wav formats but I guess I was wrong]

All the files associated with the names should have exactly the same 
names.jpg,  .mp3 or .wav

We can get more detailed next time if needed but I guess this is the 
simplest and the best solution I can think of right now. Since the main 
problem of reading the file of names got to be possible with this aproach. I 
consider this problem as solved.

Troy III
progressive art enterprise

>From: "jsWalter" <jsWalter at torres.ws>
>Reply-To: "\[JavaScript List\]" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>To: "JavaScript List" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>Subject: [Javascript] in need of pointers...
>Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 00:47:21 -0600 (CST)
>My JS is so rusty...
>I have a friend who is running a cancer society function and is in need of
>a small app.
>I figure the fastest way is via JS in a browser.
>All via local access.
>Need to read a list of 1000+ names
>They want to "slide show" these names, 1 at a time on the screen. Fade in,
>fade out (black screen, white letters).
>Need to display a GIF/JPEG, if it exists, that goes with the names (I
>figure label each image with the persons name)
>And to add to the fun, if a WAV file exists (again, [persons name].wav)
>play that file a few seconds into the persons name display.
>Like I said at the to, my JS is so rusty I can't figure this simple issue
>can anyone here with more modern techniques in JS lend a hand?
>I can cycle the names, but only if they are in the file, I can't get JS to
>read a local file. And since I can't read a local file, I can't read a
>directory to get the list of files to see if oany GIFs are in there (or
>WAV files)
>I also can't get the fade to work.
>I'm lost on playing audio.
>Can anyone help?
>Very worthy cause. This is for a cancer fund raiser, so this is all pro
>PS: has to be loadedable from a CD to any PC. So no PHP or Perl or
>anything like that.
>Javascript mailing list
>Javascript at LaTech.edu

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