[Javascript] Stopping default action

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Fri Mar 31 09:56:14 CST 2006

On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 08:06:32AM -0500, Mike Dougherty wrote:
> If you are building a Ajax as a workaround for inline clicks then you are 
> working way too hard...

Yes, I'm trying to fix something that isn't broken.

> you can deliver semantic markup without the clutter of javascript function 
> registration and an external script that attaches events to the controls 
> without using ajax.  I'm not sure what you meant by "...get rid of my 
> inline onclicks"

No, I'm not using ajax to to register the events.  By "get rid of my
inline onclicks" simply means removing the onclick from my <a
href=..."> tags and apply with something like Event.Observe().

I've got a <div> that is updated by an ajax request, say clicking on a
table heading sorts by that column, or selecting a tab as in the
example below).  The links (with the onclick behavior) are included
*within* the <div>.

If the onclick is in-lined into those links returned in the ajax
response, then all is well;  they get set when the response is
processed by the browser.  Here's an example of that method:


Now, since I'm trying to get rid of the in-line onclick on my <a>
elements, I need a way to re-assign the event handlers to the <a>
elements after the ajax update.

What I'm doing now is including a <script> section in the ajax update


and telling Prototype's Ajax.Updater to run any <script> sections
returned in the ajax response, as you can see in this response:


I posted about this earlier on the Rails spinoff list (which sometimes
discusses Prototype).  Sorry for any duplicates.

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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