[Javascript] Select | Avoid changing to selected element

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Mon May 15 11:16:20 CDT 2006

		Oh, okay; if there is that much user interaction, then I guess this way is the right one.

The solution that I (and David) posted should work perfectly for you.

				From: Simone Fumagalli simone at tomato.it

I've a page with at the top a dropdown box with all the contract
related to the user logged in.

When the user choose a contract the detail appears (via AJAX)

Then the user can change the setup.

If the user try to select another contract before have saved the
details a popup appear as advice/reminder.

At this point if the user decide to do NOT change the contract I want
the dropdown to go back to the previous value.

I hope the explanation was clear.


Ciao Peter,
in data lunedì 15 maggio 2006, alle ore 17.39, hai scritto:
PB>    This seems a bit counter-intuitive, though; can you tell
PB> us more about what you are trying to accomplish?  There may be a
PB> better way.
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