[Javascript] Comparing objects

liorean liorean at gmail.com
Tue May 16 15:43:19 CDT 2006

On 16/05/06, Bill Moseley <moseley at hank.org> wrote:
> Maybe this is my lack of understanding of "this".

Okay, then I'll try to explain it. In code, of course :)

        global=this, // initialised in the global scope so is the global object
        elm=/*code to get the element used for the event registrations*/,

    fn(); // ==> 'global'
    // function calls use the global object as this

    o.md(); // ==> 'o'
    // method calls use the bound object as this

    o['md'](); // ==> 'o'
    // independent of how the method was referenced

    fn(); // ==> 'global'
    // just to prove that it's how you're calling it that matters

    fn.call(o); // ==> 'o'
    // because Function.prototype.call takes a this object as first argument

    fn.apply(o); // ==> 'o'
    // same goes for Function.prototype.apply

This pattern should explain how it normally works. So, how does it
work when you add something not included in the core language such as

    elm['onevent']=fn; // event triggered --> 'elm'
    // If event triggers, fn will be called with elm as it's this object.
    // "Why, when there's no 'elm.onclick()' in there?" you might ask.
    // The answer is: Because that's what Netscape originally did.

    elm.attachEvent('onevent',fn); // event triggered --> 'global'
    // Microsoft proprietary event registration, fn is not a method of elm and
    // attachEvent does not make fn take elm as it's this object, so this will
    // be the global object.

    elm.addEventListener('event',fn,false) // event triggered -->
impl. dependant
    // W3C event registration. Does not deal with the this object, so actually
    // you cannot rely on it being 'elm' in this case. But you
shouldn't have to use
    // this anyway, since you have 'ev.target' and 'ev.currentTarget' in all
    // implementations of addEventListener that I know of.

And before you ask, yes, there is at least one implementation of
addEventListener I know of that doesn't set the this object to the
element it's registering the object on. That implementation is a
fringe browser, MSN/OSX, but if one implementation does it that way I
would expect there to be more implementations doing the same.
David "liorean" Andersson

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