[Javascript] Re: Wiki for the list

Paul Novitski paul at juniperwebcraft.com
Sun Nov 12 20:16:56 CST 2006

At 11/12/2006 02:47 PM, Roger Roelofs wrote:
>There are a couple of general stumbling blocks to creating a good 
>wiki.  1.  Finding enough qualified maintainers who are willing to 
>spend the time up-front putting in/linking to starter content and 
>willing to check on/update the content over time.  2.  Striking a 
>balance between making it easy for people to add content but keep 
>spammers out.  (Anyone tried to use the ruby wiki recently?)
>Computer language wikis have another problem in that the kinds of 
>tasks you could try to solve is almost limitless.  Keeping the wiki 
>down to a manageable size means dealing with common cases and 
>generalities.  Otherwise it ends up being yet another script 
>site.  It will need to be well organized so people can find what 
>they are looking for, or they will give up and ask the list anyway.

Everything you say rings true.  Perhaps what we should aim at is more 
like a community FAQ, heavier on links to content than on content itself.


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