[Javascript] Share Code with other Web site

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Sat Sep 23 20:43:39 CDT 2006

coldfusion.developer at att.net wrote:
> I'm a old fusion developer, if you ouldn't tell my the email address. 

mmm. I've seen email addresses like fanged_god_of_wrath at foobar.com
before -- maybe I should have taken those at face value, too :-)

> a Javascript that will call a cold fusion page so I can pass dynamic
> variables to the path of the cfm page.  

OK, pretty standard stuff regardless of backend language...

> However, I was just going to use the write doc Javascript, but what 
> I have requires the Javascript on their site to all
> a function.
> I want it to be a straight reference to a .js file instead.

... but that totally lost me. Your function to pass parameters to a
process on your server is, I assume, already written. Whatever it
does, it'll do it from the browser it's being run in, regardless of
what web site the page was loaded from.

Maybe you could be a bit more specific about what's not working for

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- hassan at webtuitive.com
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com
                opinion: webtuitive.blogspot.com
                          dream.  code.

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