[Javascript] Printing a Form

Mark Wonsil wonsil at 4m-ent.com
Sat Apr 7 15:15:20 CDT 2007

Del writes:
> Here is a sample ot the first kind of layout I need to learn to do with CSS.
> http://www.edi-cp.com/estimator/edi_at_calculator.html
> I do a lot of these kind of "design programs" for the Cathodic Protection
> industry.
> As you can see, I do use CSS, but probably in what you call "trivial" uses.

If you do a Google search on "css forms", you'll find a lot of resources that
will help you achieve the same form. Here's the first link as an example of
what can be done:


> What about menus like the one I used here
> http://www.edi-cp.com/topframeset.htm?/newsite/apps/apps_introduction.htm
> Can that be done better and easier with CSS ?

While the Java applet looks cool, it took 5-7 seconds before I saw it on my
page. (3Mb cable modem/1.2Mhz P4/1.25G Memory) If you have a browser that
disables Java, how do they navigate this site? I'm not sure that a screen
reader would fare any better.

You programming skills are advanced enough that you shouldn't be just thinking
of wholesale replacement of tables with CSS. You should be thinking how you
should design pages that work well in the most situations as possible. I
highly recommend you read about Progressive Enhancement to learn how to design
web sites that work for every browser and then add in "kewl" features for
those browsers that can take advantage of them.

Mark W.

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