[Javascript] document.createElement("TBODY")

Scott Reynen scott at randomchaos.com
Tue Apr 17 11:13:53 CDT 2007

On Apr 17, 2007, at 10:36 AM, Hassan Schroeder wrote:

> Michael Borchers wrote:
>> Is there any other way to parse the response than innerHTML?
> Using innerHTML is not "parsing" the response. At all. It's sticking
> a lump of cr--, er, whatever, into your page, rather than explicitly
> (and IMHO properly) inserting elements into the DOM.

I don't understand this argument.  Doesn't the DOM need to parse  
innerHTML inserts?  If not, how are they available via DOM  
functions?  And if so, why not use the browser's built-in parser?  I  
understand that innerHTML is non-standard, but of course so is AJAX.


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