[Javascript] window location hash

Guillaume javascript at webdesignofficina.com
Thu Mar 22 09:37:22 CDT 2007


I'm experiencing a problem with:

 window.location.hash = "bottomPage";

It's buggy in Safari...

The problem is known as the Safari location.hash reload bug and has been 
documented by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones... Read below a cut and paste 
describing the problem and the solution 

      What is going on here?

Setting location.hash to the same value twice in a row causes Safari to 
reload the page. Tested in Safari 1.1-1.2 and equivalent OmniWeb versions.

      What can be done to workaround this bug?

Don't set location.href to the same value twice in a row. If needed, set 
it to an intermediate value in between.


Anyone having an idea on how to apply this workaround to the code 
mentioned before.


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