[Javascript] IE work-a-round question (re: checkboxes) OT

tedd tedd at sperling.com
Sat Apr 12 08:25:48 CDT 2008

At 2:24 PM -0700 4/11/08, Peter Brunone wrote:
>     And please...  I'm no Microsoft flunkie, but acting like they're 
>singlehandedly holding back the web?  That's just a teeny bit silly.

Not silly at all.

You said "singlehandedly" -- that reminds me of when Bill Gates was 
subpoenaed to appear in front of Congress defending M$ (re monopoly 
and predator pricing issues) and said that M$ was only one of several 
OS developers. The Congressman asked the audience to hold up their 
hand if they used Windows and the entire audience did. The 
Congressman replied "Looks like a monopoly to me." (or words to that 

I don't want to start a flame war -- but -- M$ has held back 
technology for decades by selling a second-rate product and passing 
it off as "state of the art". They've been playing "catch-up" with 
Apple for their entire existence -- and I don't want to argue the 
point, because I lived it. I saw this first hand.

And what about the net? Did they not use predator pricing to put 
Netscape out of the lead (if not out of business) and replaced it 
with their version of what a browser (i.e., IE) should be? What a 
joke that was -- and still is I might add.

Just look at the time that css developers waste trying to get 
versions of IE to comply -- that's not a minor issue.  I could go on, 
but what's the point? We ALL have to live with the M$ mistake.



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