[Javascript] IE work-a-round question (re: checkboxes) OT

tedd tedd at sperling.com
Sat Apr 12 19:10:55 CDT 2008

At 5:37 PM -0400 4/12/08, John Warner wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>	boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0350_01C89CC3.D4E74060"
>Content-Language: en-us
>I'm always amazed that it is called wasting time to make your code 
>work with IE. Last I checked IE is 70 to 80% of all browsers out 
>there. What puzzles me is why anyone would set out to code to 30% of 
>browsers and then tweak to fit 70%, seems backwards to me. Like, 
>hate, or whatever MS this just seems backwards to me. Argue all you 
>want about standards or whatever, I live in the real world and try 
>to code accordingly.  I'm reminded of the fellow who is standing in 
>the pouring rain cursing the rain, like somehow this will make the 
>rain stop. Get used to it, sometimes it rains, that is the real 
>John Warner


I live in the imaginary world where I assume that all browsers comply 
with standards.

However often after testing, I must revisit the real world and adjust 
my code accordingly because M$ is the last to follow standards. 
Remember, M$ always has a better idea and that always revolves around 
control, which usually means "What's in it for M$".

Now, don't give me a lecture about how profit is the bottom line for 
all business because that's not true. The fact is that M$ is big 
enough to throw it's weight around to make life as difficult as they 
can for everyone because they want more control of the market -- and 
that's not because they have a better idea, for they seldom do.

The good news is that they are apparently losing control due to 
competition -- and that's why we are seeing the success of browsers 
like FireFox, who's beating all IEs in popularity. And why we see 
languages like php making headway into areas that asp controlled 
before. Do you JSCRIPT anymore or just write javascript? See what I 

The days of M$ are NOT over, but their death grip on technology is 
loosening. Then again, that's my point of view and I live in an 
imaginary world.

In the end, M$ does what they do and I do what I do. I would rather 
write good clean code (in all languages) that supports standards than 
do otherwise. YMMV.



PS: The last time I checked, M$ browsers controlled less than 60% of 
the market and that number is declining, not increasing. There's hope 
yet.  :-)

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