[Javascript] IE work-a-round question (re: checkboxes) OT

Kamaleshwar Morjal kamaleshwar.morjal at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 01:43:59 CDT 2008

On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Peter Brunone <peter at brunone.com> wrote:

>     Not to throw fuel on this particular fire (did you really think you
> wouldn't start a huge flamey discussion with those comments in the original
> post?) but if IE still has "60% of the market", how can Firefox be "beating
> all IEs in popularity"?
>     Joel Spolsky had a great article about the fanatics on both sides of
> the fence on this issue.  It's worth a read, if you have the time:
> http://joelonsoftware.com/items/2008/03/17.html
> Cheers,
> Peter

Hmmm.. "What the hell is a standard?"
Well, whatever it be.. If everyone choses to follow it, it can be improvised
for everyone's benefit. BUT! Imagine a world where every browser mfr has
"their own standard". Imagine a world where every browser manufacturer
has the M$ mentality!! What do you see beyond that?? I can only see
unmanageable, unimaginable chaos!
hoping people always tend to move towards 'something' called
global standards, rather than their own
PS(1): By the way, anyone and everyone around me uses anything but IE..
One more valid point for me being IE is not available for the OS i and my
friends use. Most other 'preferable' (according to us) browsers are
on all platforms that we use (including M$ windoze). All IE-boys out there
should rather accept now that the world does not end at windoze.

PS(2): My opinion does not, in any way, seem biased to me; rather logical.
Because I believe in having a choice rather than letting someone else
every aspect of my computing experience. And the numbers of people like
me are "rising" with increasing "awareness". +ve trait, i believe ;)

cheers again.. :o)

> *From*: tedd tedd at sperling.com
> At 5:37 PM -0400 4/12/08, John Warner wrote:
> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> > boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0350_01C89CC3.D4E74060"
> >Content-Language: en-us
> >
> >I'm always amazed that it is called wasting time to make your code
> >work with IE. Last I checked IE is 70 to 80% of all browsers out
> >there. What puzzles me is why anyone would set out to code to 30% of
> >browsers and then tweak to fit 70%, seems backwards to me. Like,
> >hate, or whatever MS this just seems backwards to me. Argue all you
> >want about standards or whatever, I live in the real world and try
> >to code accordingly. I'm reminded of the fellow who is standing in
> >the pouring rain cursing the rain, like somehow this will make the
> >rain stop. Get used to it, sometimes it rains, that is the real
> >world.
> >
> >John Warner
> John:
> I live in the imaginary world where I assume that all browsers comply
> with standards.
> However often after testing, I must revisit the real world and adjust
> my code accordingly because M$ is the last to follow standards.
> Remember, M$ always has a better idea and that always revolves around
> control, which usually means "What's in it for M$".
> Now, don't give me a lecture about how profit is the bottom line for
> all business because that's not true. The fact is that M$ is big
> enough to throw it's weight around to make life as difficult as they
> can for everyone because they want more control of the market -- and
> that's not because they have a better idea, for they seldom do.
> The good news is that they are apparently losing control due to
> competition -- and that's why we are seeing the success of browsers
> like FireFox, who's beating all IEs in popularity. And why we see
> languages like php making headway into areas that asp controlled
> before. Do you JSCRIPT anymore or just write javascript? See what I
> mean?
> The days of M$ are NOT over, but their death grip on technology is
> loosening. Then again, that's my point of view and I live in an
> imaginary world.
> In the end, M$ does what they do and I do what I do. I would rather
> write good clean code (in all languages) that supports standards than
> do otherwise. YMMV.
> Cheers,
> tedd
> PS: The last time I checked, M$ browsers controlled less than 60% of
> the market and that number is declining, not increasing. There's hope
> yet. :-)
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