[Javascript] Making a Inline validation using js DOM and CSS part II

MEM talofo at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 13:28:44 CDT 2009

"You are telling IE that the following script is:
<script type="application/javascript" language="JavaScript">
 an Application!"

	AHHHH!!!!!!!!! (screaming with newbie pain!!!)

"... you are vriting the function "validar" twice(!)"

	Yes this one was detected, at least. 

Ok. Here is the new version:

And I have made the following tests:


  1) Write something in all form text fields (Nome, Idade, Email).
  2) Now start deleting what you have written, field by field, and you will
notice some odd things.
 3) repeat the process starting the deleting from another field.

What is happening? 
If we start removing what we have introduced from "bottom to top", so, we
start deleting the data on the "Email" field, that we delete the "Idade"
field and at last the "Nome" field, we will see that ALL ERROR messages
appear. Good.

If we start deleting the text on the textboxes starting on "Nome" then ONLY
nome error message will appear.

If we start deleting the text on the textboxes starting in the middle, on
the "Idade" field, then, we will have another error message IF we delete the
contents of the "Nome" textfield. But we get no new error message if we
delete the contents of the "Email" field.

I have absolutely no clue about why is this behaving like this. :(

TEST TWO: (that probably is related with test one):
If we don't fill anything on the fields and then we click on the submit

We will not get three error messages, but only one. The first one. 
I think I know why this is happening. I believe this is happening because
the "function validateField that is called by function validar() onSubmit,
behaves like this:

If the value of the first field called on the validar() function is empty,
the function validateField will return false; Then, the function stops, and
it will not 
execute on the other fields.

I believe I need some kind of loop over the form fields that are being
Telling something like: 
For all form fields that I want to validate,
	If value =="" then displayerrormessageflag=1
End of the cicle.
	If displayerrormessageflag=1
	Return false;

(I hope that, with this, I can get the return false; only when the loop

Is with something like this that we can solve this kind of issues?

In function validateField 

What does this line mean? 
var value =  field.value;

Is the value declared as a variable the same thing as the value that appears
after the field. ? Because it seems to me that is not the same. It seems to
me that what we are telling in this line is:

In the variable value hold the value of the variable field. So it seems that
we have to assumptions of value in the same line, despite the fact that they
share the same name.

Is this true?

Thanks a lot. It's absolutely unfair to teach nothing on a mailing list, and
only learn. 
I realize that. And I excuse myself for that. I can't avoid it however,
since that is part of being a newbie. :( But I promise to read and
investigate a lot.

Thanks once again, 


Behalf Of Troy III Ajnej:

The problem is:

You are telling IE that the following script is:
<script type="application/javascript" language="JavaScript">
 an Application! 


IE is holding your word on it!...


You can simply declare it as <script> and let IE recognize and 

decide how to interpret it. Or you give it the correct description:


<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

than it will work.



... you are vriting the function "validar" twice(!) Well, it doesn't cause

any problems - but doesn't help either. :)




                                      Troy III
                         progressive art enterprise

> From: talofo at gmail.com
> To: javascript at lists.evolt.org
> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:49:07 +0000
> Subject: [Javascript] Making a Inline validation using js DOM and CSS part
> Ok. I've taken Nicks code. 
> I think it's very nice because it allows us to create a general function,
> and then, using another function to call that first function with some
> params. This method of organizing things, allow us
> to ON upgrading validateField function, to upgrade automatically all
> validations that we may have made with functionvalidar();
> But I have several issues:
> 1)
> This works more or less on Firefox (the last field (email), does not
> show the error message when it should. But I believe he has the same code
> the other two. Why is this working with only two fields and not with
> 2)
> In IE, I get an error when calling the onblur(), it says Error: Object
> Expected, here:
> <input type="text" name="nome" id="nome" onblur="return validar(nome);"/>
> <input type="text" name="idade" id="idade" onblur="return
> and here,
> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" onblur="return
> Please take a look here:
> http://ludmila.uuuq.com/teste_php_pagina_v6.html
> Any clues about how to solve this issues?
> Please help,
> Regards,
> Márcio
> Ps- About the link: the server is a temp one, sometimes you may get a 404
> error, but it's a temporary issue. The file is there. 
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