[Javascript] Alternative ways to "popup" images?

Paul Novitski paul at juniperwebcraft.com
Sat May 15 02:39:41 CDT 2010

>pop-up windows simply don't work in an increasing
>number of situations.
>On PCs, all newer browsers have a pop-up
>blocker available.

Point of information: The pop-up windows that 
modern browsers block are for the most part those 
that are spawned without being requested by a 
direct action of the user. If you click on a link 
that executes a function that opens a new window, 
that's not considered an unfriendly pop-up. In 
contrast, if a website spawns additional windows 
when you load or unload a page, those are treated 
as unrequested and are blockable.

Therefore the larger-image windows that 
forwebonly's page opens are treated as 
permissible child windows in this context and are 
not blocked. I've tested this by running his page 
in both Firefox and IE8 with pop-ups blocked, with no change in functionality.

Mozilla > Firefox Support > Knowledge Base > Pop-up blocker

"Is the pop-up shown after a mouse click or a key press?

"Certain events, such as clicking or pressing a 
key, can spawn pop-ups regardless of if the 
pop-up blocker is on. This is so that Firefox 
doesn't block pop-ups that websites need to work."


Using Windows XP > Web Browsing and E-mail > 
Block Pop-up Windows with Internet Explorer

"Many legitimate advertisers on the Internet use 
windows that pop up in the middle of your screen 
to display a message. They might also open when 
you click a link or button on a Web site, and 
they might open either over or under the window 
you wish to view. Some pop-ups are helpful. For 
example, if you click an image to see a larger 
version, it might open in a pop-up window."
"Some windows are not blocked: Pop-up Blocker is 
smart enough to not block pop-up windows that you 
open deliberately by clicking a link—for example, 
if you were on a travel reservation site and you 
clicked a link to open a pop-up window containing 
your confirmation details, this pop-up window 
would not be blocked because you opened it intentionally."




Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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