[Javascript] Firefox Prototyping -or does it?!

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Mon Apr 2 10:13:41 CDT 2012

On 4/2/12 2:32 AM, Ian wrote:

>> you'll not be able to prototype on js objects anymore

> Again, I ask, do you have any reference to an announcement by Mozilla?
> Is there a justification for this.  Should I care?

The 'prototype' property is an essential part of JavaScript -- take it
away and it's some other language (or no language). If in doubt, read
http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf :-)

So the stated premise implies that either

1) the Mozilla developers decided to deliberately kill their flagship
    product by rendering an essential component unusable, and didn't
    tell anyone because they were too busy high-fiving each other on
    what an AWESOME piece of performance art that was, or

2) the Mozilla developers accidentally broke an essential component of
    their product, released it, and NO ONE NOTICED. Well, one guy did.

    Because, you know, hardly any web sites use JavaScript. And it's not
    like the "product" is open source so anyone can follow the commit
    histo.. oh, wait.

Mmmmmm... Let me get a coin to flip....

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