[Sysadmin] Fwd: Re: [thelist] I do NOT want to receive E-mail

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Mon Jan 27 01:48:10 CST 2003

This seems to be a constant problem - people trying to unsub but their
password doesn't work. I could dismiss it happening a couple of times as
user error, but it happens frequently.

To date, we have no idea what is screwing up...



>Actually, I've been trying to unsubscribe for awhile now (I'd like to use a
>different address), but the server won't let me. It says I'm using the wrong
>password, even when I cut and paste it from the "forgotten password" email.
>I emailed the admins once using admin at lists.evolt.org but received no
>response. I didn't make a big deal about it since my current address still
>Maybe this person tried to unsubscribe but can't?

<<<   *   >>>
Madhu Menon
Internet User Experience Consultant
e-mail: webguru at vsnl.net   |   Yahoo messenger: cold_logic

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