[Sysadmin] browsers.evolt.org mirror update

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Mon Jul 14 06:40:39 CDT 2003


just a quick note about stuff to our mirror site admins, cc evolt

- New Mirror

/me says hello to marc, new mirrorer :)  Marc, once you've rsynced the
archive (details at bottom of mail), drop me a mail at neuro at well.com with
the base URL to your mirror and the name you'd like to have in the list
(your organisation, company, name, whatever).

- rsync Live

rsync to browsers.evolt.org should be working again, and you should be able
to use the proper domain name now (browsers.evolt.org, as opposed to
downloads.evolt.org.uk, although either will work).

- Opera Tree

The opera tree issue should now be corrected, although it has meant the
movement of a directory.  You may want to manually modify your tree to cater
for this before initiating another rsync.
/mirrors/opera.online.no/pub/online.no/mirrors/operasoftware/ is now a
symlink to /opera/ whereas it was the other way around previously.  You may
want to swap them over manually before rsyncing so that rsync doesn't delete
one tree and redownload the other (1.7 gig!) in entirety.  I know Jason for
one doesn't capture the opera archive as he carries an Opera mirror already,
but we may revisit the Opera archive again in the future so that it is more
organised and carries more obviously rare browsers.

Part of a service update planned in the future (no timescale yet, so don't
ask!) is partial mirror support; this could mean we could point the
obviously common archive files to Opera's own mirror network, while
retaining the rarer betas and odd files in our own archive, keeping the size
of beo down.

Anyway, if you run into any problems, let me know - we want to avoid any
unnecessary large bandwidth hits if at all possible while re-enabling access
to the /opera/ tree.

- Rate Limit Synchronisations

I'd like to make a request - when rsyncing, can you rate limit your download
so that it does not unnecessarily affect other services running on the raq,
and also so that if there is a large bandwidth hit, it should stagger over
time and not set off huge alarms with our hoster :)  I hope I'm not telling
you something you already know (if so, apologies!), but to do this, use
the --bwlimit= flag.  We'd like to set a hard ceiling of 64KBytes/sec
(512Kbits/sec) to avoid some of the overrun we experienced the other month -
the raq the archive runs on only has 400 gig of traffic allowance per month
:)  If there are any problems with this, please let us know.

- In Summary

To our mirror sites, our continued gratitude to the service you provide for

As always, anon rsync from rsync://browsers.evolt.org/browsers/

Please report problems in the first instance with the Browser Archive via
our contact form at http://evolt.org/contact/

_ __/|   ___  ___ __ _________ "When Microsoft Office is your only hammer,
\`O_o'  / _ \/ -_) // / __/ _ \ pretty much everything begins to look like
=(_ _)=/_//_/\__/\_,_/_/  \___/ a nail. Or a thumb." -- Rob Pegoraro
   U - Ack! Phttpt! Thhbbt!     neuro at well dot com  http://neuro.me.uk/

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