[Sysadmin] [Fwd: [thelist] thelist on gmane.org]

John Handelaar john at videoisland.com
Mon Mar 22 09:14:03 CST 2004

On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 12:48, Christopher Evans wrote:
> I'm not sure I get the bit about reigniting old threads.  Do they want
> to host our archives, or are you worried about a bunch of new people
> bringing up the same topics?

I'm concerned mostly with people replying to messages which
were written several months ago.  It'd break the flow badly if
it started happening.

FWIW I *do* think we should consider creating our own means
of allowing list and archive access in 'non-traditional'
ways - just not happy about slapping any old thing together
in this way, nor for that matter diluting the already-waning
evolt 'brand presence' (ugh) by having Gmane's nasty-ass
web interface hoovering up our Google mojo.


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