[Sysadmin] Browser archive contributions

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Thu May 24 16:09:36 UTC 2018

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 3:24 PM Brian Wilson <retail at blooberry.com> wrote:
> Hi Dean,

> I don't have links to the browsers, I have a pile of CDs. :)

Hi Brian,

A pile of CDs sounds ... not very downloadable ;) If we gave you a Dropbox
link, would you be willing to uploadify the CDs?

> I realized after I originally sent this that the only proper response if
> you expressed interest was to give you a list of all the versions I
> have. That took me a couple days to gather:


Don't worry about any further cross-referencing, what you've done so far is
awesome.  There's no rush.  Enjoy your weekend instead!

> I figure we can determine what subset of the browsers I have that are
> interesting and we can work from there how best to get them to you.

I'm interested in them all. As mentioned, we could give you a Dropbox link,
does that sound useful? A CD into individual folders?

> PS: after some brief browsing, it looks like evolt either does not focus
> on pre-release versions, or just doesn't have very many of them. That
> was something I covered in depth on my site, which is why I have so many
> of them for IE, Mosaic, Netscape and Opera (the browsers I covered).

I think Adrian (who first started the Browser Archive) was concentrating on
production releases, as that's what web developers would want to test with
to ensure visitors experiences would match up with what the site owner
wanted.  Nowadays it's more about archaeology, so the more the merrier.

Let me know if you want to upload to Dropbox and I'll get a link organised
for ya.


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