Athlete interviews... Re: [thechat] Olympics...

Scott Dexter sgd at
Mon Feb 11 10:16:00 CST 2002

> world-class athletes are really dense.  Especially football
> and hockey players.  Many of the best hockey players barely
> Track stars are dumb too?  ;-) Come to think of it, many
> track stars are pretty selfish, self-serving, arrogant asses.

wow, as a current hockey player and former track star, well, you know.

anyhow, I'd like to point out that NHL player interviews are probably
the most intelligent of the major sports (here in the States, though
I've never heard an interview with a Skip*) --you want horrible
interviews? (American) Football. Trust me. NBA players are a close
second. At least hockey players can actually talk about the game.

And other than the relays, Track is an individual sport. It takes a
different psyche to compete, and one that tends to appear a little
self-centered is what you see....


*I'm speaking of Curling, that really cooky sport where they play
shuffleboard with granite and brooms...

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