[thechat] Presentation of food

David Wagner dave at worlddomination.net
Sat Feb 1 20:17:00 CST 2003

aardvark wrote:
> i have a mail filter rule that alerts me anytime anyone uses the
> words "steak" and "well" in the same email...
> steak should be eaten rare to medium rare... anything above that is
> a dishonor to the memory of the cow...

That's ridiculous macho bullshit, if you don't mind my saying so. :)

People have always tried to tell me that a cut of beef "tastes better" or
"feels better" when it's bleeding -- but I know from experience, and I'm
definitely not alone, that you can cook a lot more flavor *into* a steak
than you can cook out of it.

My folks are from the Midwest, and were raised on the concept that your
dinner should still be mooing when it's on your plate. Luckily, I was given
the option of choosing for myself, and having tried both a plate full of
gushy, bloody flesh and a nicely juicy, warm, and firm steak, the choice has
always seemed pretty obvious.


David Wagner
dave at worlddomination.net

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