[thelist] Outlook on Mac

Joe Crawford jcrawford at avencom.com
Fri Feb 23 12:59:16 CST 2001

Ron White wrote:
> We're sending an href in an email. On a Win machine the email looks correct:
> Click here(this is the link) to work on job over the web.
> On a Mac it looks like Click here
> <http://foo.marathoninnovations.com/foo/bar/foobar.jsp?loginpage=(12345,23,0
>  )&someother value(1223,12,0)

There are certain characters which in a URL are better off being url

( should be %28

) should be %29

~ should be %7E

  should be %20

etc. etc.

So your URL should be:


and with the fancy <>'s for formatting:


hopefully all mailers should handle that.

<tip type="url encoding tricks">
(maybe an old old one)

One quickie way to find the url encoded value of a character is to
javascript:alert(escape(' '))

etc, etc.


	- Joe <aka http://artlung.com>
Joe Crawford ||||||||||||||       mailto:jcrawford at avencom.com
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