[thelist] Fed Up!

Pete Freitag pf at cfdev.com
Mon Oct 8 12:42:08 CDT 2001

Another thing that Is important for web server administrators to do is
prevent their site from being harvested by spam bots.

Spam bots are spiders that grab email addresses off of web pages and then
sell or spam them.

There are a couple things you can do to prevent this.

1) Use java script's document.write to write the email address using
different parts.


I wrote a free ColdFusion custom tag that does this at:
<cf_antiSpam email="user at domain.com">

2) Set up your web server to reject the spam bots that use a User Agent.
This is a good idea, but I don't think it will protect you fully from spam
bots.  You can use Apache's Mod ReWrite to forward spammers to a spam page.

The August Issue of Web Techniques had a lot about privacy, and also an
article about spam bots:

Pete Freitag (pfreitag at cfdev.com)
ColdFusion Developer Resources

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