[thelist] Theme switcher and browser differences

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 27 16:09:24 CST 2002

> From: Liorean <Liorean at user.bip.net>
> >any reason you've chosen client-side over server-side?
> Three reasons:
>   - I don't know how to program it backend.

well, that alone takes care of that...

>   - I'm really into JavaScript.
>   - I want to use the W3C stylesheet alternation mechanism.

this last one can still be achieved with the server-side solution, it's
no different... i just haven't implemented it yet...

> >have you tested the CSS in static test pages on those browsers?
> >it's a good idea to narrow it down to the style switcher or the CSS
> >itself... try static pages with the styles that you want to test
> >hardcoded in the <link>...
> The css should be all fine... it works standalone, in at least Moz
> 0.9.8, Opera 6 and Ie 6.0 without problems.

ok, then, i'm tapping out...

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