[thelist] Centering in IE6?

Paul Backhouse paul.backhouse at 2cs.com
Tue Mar 19 11:00:01 CST 2002

Hmmmm.....IE 6 has a slight bug when it comes to rendering stuff in the
center of a browser (apparently - and I have seen instances of this).

I have some Javascript that i found which works nicely - how you cold
implement into a div I'll leave to you:

<script language="JavaScript">

function launch(url,wid,hei)
  features = 'fullscreen,width=' + wid + ',height=' + hei;
  win = window.open(url, 'CM', features);
  if(win.resizeTo) win.resizeTo(wid, hei);
    leftPos = (screen.width - wid) / 2;
    topPos = (screen.height - hei) / 2;

    win.moveTo(leftPos, topPos);
  if(win.focus) win.focus();
<body onload="launch('TimeSheet.asp', '360', '160'); return false">

hope you can use it


-----Original Message-----
> IE6 still don't like it.  [It *does* take the color specifications -
> so it is reading in the CSS. It's just kinda stuck at the left
> margin.]

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