[thelist] targeting effectively (was: navigation through formposting)

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 24 19:35:01 CST 2002

> From: "Hugh Blair" <hblair at worldnet.att.net>
> If I'm not trying to impress anyone with flash (WOW stuff, including
> Flash(tm)), if I'm just trying to provide an easy-to-use, keep as many
> customers as possible etc,
> What DTD should I code with? I don't think that making my site
> available for 100% of the userbase is required, but 99% is a good
> target. Where is that point?

i still code for HTML 4.01...

it's got very good support, and i believe some older versions of IE/mac had
issues with XHTML pages...

not to mention, if you code to HTML 4.01, a conversion to XHTML 1.0 is just a
simple regex...

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