[thelist] SSI Brain Fart

Gina K. Anderson gina at sitediva.com
Mon May 6 13:42:01 CDT 2002

Hi all,

I'm designing an HTML newsletter and I want to use SSI to pull some news
headlines from a .txt file..I can't seem to get it working, and my thought
process is that maybe I'm trying to do something that isn't possible :-P


That's the file I'm trying to pull into an html newsletter--I need to worry
about the linkage later, I know it's broken from that page, but it works on the
site. I've set up the site to use SSI on regular .html pages, but I'm thinking
that since only the images will be pulled from the site in the newsletter, it
probably wouldn't work anyway...right???

I'm using this code:
<!--#include file="http://www.papocketpets.com/scripts/news/headlines.txt"--

And getting the '[an error occurred while processing this directive]' stuff.

(Too long/hard a weekend for this stuff and brain won't work)
Thanks for advice,

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