[thelist] background images not repeating in NN4

Lindsay Evans lindsay at redsquare.com.au
Sun May 12 21:45:01 CDT 2002

> This is just basic HTML with no CSS or anything. I don't
> understand why this
> isn't working.
> It works fine in IE5, IE6, and Netscape 6 but not Netscape4.61
> Can anyone take a gander at it and see if you can find the problem?

Apologies for the incorrect threading, for anyone who cares.

<tip type="table background images in NS4" author="Lindsay Evans">

This is my general rule of thumb for table background images in Netscape 4:

Progressive JPEGs should not be used for background images;
GIFs should not be Interlaced;
GIFs should not be dithered;
GIFs should not be transparent.


 Lindsay Evans.
 Red Square Productions.

 [p] 8596.4000
 [f] 8596.4001
 [w] www.redsquare.com.au

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